The last farewell to Giovanni Gastel: a great artist, photographer and poet
A tear furrows the face of all those people who, like me, have followed the work of Giovanni Gastel in recent years, a man who with his photography has been able to excite, inspire and tell the soul of his subjects, with a sensitivity forged by “culture” hammer and “experience” from the anvil.
“The pictorial intervention on photography has always attracted me. I have always believed in breaking down the boundaries between the arts and in the absolute freedom of expression of the creative ” Giovanni Gastel
This cursed situation that is affecting society and destroying the market by taking away, at times, our dearest affections, is also interrupting dialogues with art carried on throughout a lifetime, as happened with our dear and beloved Gio.
“Fashion, the realm of beauty and harmony, a filter to see and reinvent the world” Giovanni Gastel
Giovanni Gastel was able to enlighten us with his photography, imbued with his poetics and his desire for life. We at Wait want to remember him like this, with a very small selection of photos of the great artist who passed away.
“The book of Enoch tells of the fall of Lucifer and his rebellious angels thrown by God to earth unable to return to God, unable to become human beings and unable in fact to die! I said to myself, they are still with us! So I have them searched and found!”
IG: @giovanni_gastel